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RenAdaptor web Server
Using this information remains the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user


Last update : 2025-02-13 Buttons

New Search

Returns to the search page


Find : Displays a list of all records corresponding to your criterias
Last search : Re-displays the list of all records selected during the last search


Restricts the list to records of the selected color
  (white list all colors)
Red color : Caution! contra-indications.
Amber color : Adjustments needed according to insufficiency.
Green color : No adjustment needed.


On the list page, sorts all records by alphabetical order or by category (alternatively)


Returns to the list page

My Profile

Brings you to the update profile page


Returns to the previous page


Quit (logout)

Lets you select your language
button The Search Screen
Search for a molecule :
 1- In the "Molecule" field type the first letter(s) of the
     molecule name
 2- Select the molecule in the drop-down menu
 3- Click on the "Search" button
Search on keyword : drug name, pharmacotherapeutic group, brand name, ...
 1- In the "Keyword" field, type a word which could be in the database
     (molecule name, pharmacotherapeutic group, brand name, ...)
 2- Click on the "Search" button
New request button : Click on this button, rather then on the "Search" button, to add a second (third, ...) search criterion
The List Screen * Click here to go to the Card Screen.
* Click on the class or subclass to list all molecules of that class or subclass. button The Card Screen Opens the page with brand names and other information
* Click on the class or subclass to list all molecules of that class or subclass. The Info Screen Brand names of drugs may vary from one country to another.  Without any garantee, this heading states various denominations of products containing the molecule, without taking presentation or ingestion mode into account. Useful information will be added regularly to the database. Abbreviations
CI Contraindicated USI International Standard Units IV Intravenous IM Intramuscular
SC Subcutaneous IA Intra-arterial IN Intra-nasal IR Intra-rectal
INHL Inhalation SL Sublingual IP Intraperitoneal IT Intrathecal
IL In Loco INN International Nonproprietary Name ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system IVit Intravitreal
MIC Minimal Inhibitory Concentration
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